Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice.

PhD thesis in Art, Design & Media, by Gil Dekel.


8.1 Methods

The following sections will detail the methods:

In section Phenomenology I will discuss the theory behind the phenomenological approach, and the rationale for why it was chosen as a suitable method for this research, compared to other methods. I will touch briefly on how phenomenology has been instrumental in creating art and in developing the research theories that inform this thesis.

The Grounded theory section will explain the method of developing theory based on the notion that an academic experiment builds up the next experiment that informs the research.

In section In-depth interviews I will explain the ‘narrative interview method’ employed, and the process by which I selected interviewees and how I conducted the interviews.

In section Art practice as a research method I will discuss how the actual act of making art was utilised as a research method in itself. I will explain how the activity of making art was used to disseminate knowledge; to facilitate a better grasp of how primary sources are distributed; and to encourage others to participate and contribute to the research. I will not discuss the specific kinds of arts that I have produced in this section. Rather, I will focus on showing how art practice in itself was used as a research method in this research. For a full discussion of the choices behind making the art works; the developments from one to the other; the interviews; and the conclusions from the works and the interviews that served as the basis for the body chapters of this research – see chapter 14.­

Finally, section Data collection and analysis will outline the method by which the artefacts created allowed for data collection.