With Gil Dekel, PhD. mp3 meditation to connect you to your Inner Library: Find the most powerful resource, containing the books of God, the books of the core of the Earth; the books that your spiritual guides consult. Read the secrets that you need to...
Led by Gil and Natalie Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers, on Friday 21 Nov 2014, 9.00pm GMT (livestream #18). Why people are here? – What can we do to calm the mind? How to stop ‘leaking out’ energy? What is the Well of Stillness?.. These questions and others...
Natalie Dekel. Mom came to me two years after she died from cancer, with strong visions and words of comfort. While in my mind were the shadows of her death, now she came with the lights of the Living Words; showing me how I can release grief and move forward in life:...
by Natalie Dekel, MPhil. People seem to carry heavy emotional luggage, some of which has been handed down to them from previous life times, or even inherited from their families. I was fortunate to go through a healing process which taught me how to release negative...
מאת נטלי וגיל דקל, רייקי מאסטרים. מהי רייקי? רייקי היא שיטת ריפוי והרגעה המבוססת על משיכת אנרגיה אוניברסאלית שמאזנת את הגוף והנפש. ריי פירושו אוניברסאלי, וקי, הידוע גם כ’צ’י’, היא אנרגיה. האנרגיה מוכרת כבר אלפי שנים ונעשה בה שימוש לחבר את השמים עם...
I have heard the breathing of the birds in the silence of my heartbeat. And the branches of my tree, weaving words for my mouth. So my soul could, once again, praise this glorious moment we call ‘Life’. Sometimes I have memories in seconds, when the sun sets in my...
We have seen deep into your eyes, where the flowers of joy are whispering your name. Speak up your heart, for the love within you is vaster than your mind. Do not swim in seas of despair, come now, let us help you sail the boat of hope… You already hold the oars of...
By ‘Ever-rest’ (Spirit Guide channelled by Natalie Dekel, with Gil Dekel). Some people live comfortably, yet not knowing who they are, they are trapped… Even if you surround yourself with comfort you can still remain uncertain. Only knowing who you...
By Aaron (Spirit Guide channelled by Natalie Dekel, with Gil Dekel). Have faith even in the most difficult situations because underneath the mud and the rubble is a core of steel in you. A core of steel that is not bending with the weather or circumstances. It is as...
By ‘Freedom’ (Spirit Guide channelled by Natalie Dekel, with Gil Dekel). Sometimes it takes time to see the light from the woods you are going through… But once you know it is worthwhile, it will make your journey easier. Know that you have two stars...
‘The Guide of Fridays’ (channelled by Natalie Dekel) in a conversation with Gil Dekel. ‘The Guide of Fridays’: Now, let me start by talking about the difficulties you face in life. Every day people face challenges, and many times they feel...
By the ‘Supreme Light’ (channelled by Natalie Dekel, with Gil Dekel). A tree does not grieve for its leaves when they fall. It lets them fall knowing that it is their time to have freedom, and soon the tree has new leaves. Everything has its time and...
A ‘Passing Spirit’ (channelled by Natalie Dekel) in a conversation with Gil Dekel. Passing Spirit: Underneath all there is pure and unconditional love, but it got twisted and tweaked about by the time it comes out in your world. You can see pure love in...
By Natalie Dekel. There are so many things in life we need to achieve and so many thoughts we ought to think, that we do not have time to stop and observe what is happening inside us. It takes courage, I found, to look within. It takes practice to look into the dark...
By Natalie Dekel. Psychic portraits can help people see their past-lives, their loved ones and their Spiritual Guides. I would like to share with you the process of inspiration behind the psychic paintings that I produce. I have been painting from a very young age,...
Do you believe that a message can come to you through a poem? I do not ‘write’ poems but ‘channel’ them – the Spirit Guides ‘speak’ to me and I document their words. The words are uplifting, embracing one another and becoming...
Are you looking for Intuitive Counselling, Psychic Guidance, or Chakra Reading? “There is nothing in the world that you cannot ask. Ask, and listen to the guidance that we bring you, as it will help you see the truth in you, and learn how to deal with your...
Spiritual chanting artist, Russell Jenkins, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: How did you develop your chanting abilities? [1] Russell Jenkins: I have a hearing of an Aum. It is like you look at it and you think, ‘Oh, it’s a star that I can pluck out of the sky.’...