Journal of Creativity and Inspiration INTERVIEWS Each ocean is made of drops of individuals: Natalie Dekel interviewed by Gil Dekel Natalie Dekel and Gil Dekel [Authors’ info] 5 July 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 3. Gil Dekel: You’ve named this work ‘Esther’....
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration PERSPECTIVES The creative process of contraction and expansion Natalie Dekel and Gil Dekel [Authors’ info] 5 July 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 3. The Universe operates on a rhythm, a pattern. This pattern often involves a cycle...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration EDITORIAL Mastering creativity Natalie Dekel and Gil Dekel [Authors’ info] 5 July 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 3. Creativity drives innovation and offers new perspectives on the world around us. But, how do you find your...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration PERSPECTIVES The many shades of blue: art, emotion, and spirituality in modern British painting Eleanor Anderton and Ellie Lachs (edited from a conversation by Gil Dekel) [Authors’ info] 5 July 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 3....
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration INTERVIEW Greeted by potholes that need healing: Ememem Interviewed by Gil Dekel Ememem and Gil Dekel [Authors info] 14 February 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 2. Gil: You are repairing and transforming urban imperfections, like...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration INTERVIEW Looking at one object and seeing different things: Joyce Raimondo interviewed by Gil Dekel Joyce Raimondo and Gil Dekel [Authors info] 14 February 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 2. Gil Dekel: Many artists say that they feel...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration RESEARCH Vision and Ekphrasis Mary Attwood [Author info] 14 February 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 2. How we attend to and respond to works of art transforms not only what we see in the image before us, but what we might glimpse...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration EDITORIAL A new form of creativity Natalie Dekel and Gil Dekel [Author info] 14 February 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 2. Over the years, the practice of art has changed from traditional craftsmanship to ‘techmanship’ (integrating...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration PERSPECTIVE Opening drawers in my memory: a sculptor’s creative process Silvia Contarelli [Author info] 6 September 2023 – Vol 1, Issue 1. Inspiration and art. I have often wondered what links these two together, and if one...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration EDITORIAL Artificial Intelligence in the service of art Gil Dekel [Author info] 6 September 2023 – Vol 1, Issue 1. Artists have continuously pushed the boundaries of their craft, finding inspiration in the world outside and...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration FEATURE AI: from ancient times to present day Gil Dekel and Ekaterina Pretsch [Authors info] 6 September 2023 – Vol 1, Issue 1. The desire to create intelligent machines is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, people...
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration PERSPECTIVE Preserving artistic integrity while creating AI art Gil Dekel [Author info] 6 September 2023 (this article was pre-published on 19 August 2023) – Vol 1, Issue 1. As an artist, I am looking for a process in...
Poetry Maker Tool Select a few words from the text, and click ‘Cut out’. You can also add your own text. A tool to create new meanings. Select a few words that resonate with you, then click ‘cut out’ to show the words and hide all the rest. A...
01. Thesis Title Page Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice Gil Dekel Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirementsfor the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Portsmouth May 2009[formatted for the web...
Conceptual Art Composition Typography Research skills Inspiration in art and design Abstraction in art and design The Creative Thinking Process Learning To See: concepts in photography UX and UC...
Simple, cheap and easy arts you can do with the kids. I have tried all the activities here; some worked well, others could be improved (I noted in the post what could be improved, so that you know when you try out). All posts below are embedded from my Facebook page....
By Gil and Natalie Dekel. Below are ideas for art projects that we are planning to carry in our gallery – but the ideas are not complete. They are still general, in a proposal stage, and need some reshaping before we can actually produce them. We are sharing the ideas...
Natalie and Gil’s ‘State of The Art’ Centre Art & Wellbeing space: Meditations, Yoga, Arts, Reiki & Psychic development. Contact / Book a visit here Current: from April 2022 Art for World Peace. Free entry. You can take part ! You do not need to...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. pages 342 (in the printed book) We are able to give to relationships everything we wish to receive from them. 343 Love and freedom are the same thing. To love is to grant freedom to your beloved. Free means Free to do everything. There is no...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. pages 328-329 (in the printed book) Relationships between people are not designed to help people find joy and happiness, but to create joy and happiness. To create completion, and fulfilment. This is part 12. Go to part >1 >2 >3 ...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. page 302 (in the printed book) Asking our children to memorize facts in schools is like asking them to re-create the past. Yet, if we invite a child to explore concepts and ideas – such as fairness, tolerance, honesty – we then invite them to...