By Natalie and Gil Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers.

Reiki Masters, Gil and Natalie
Chakra is a Sanskrit word for a wheel or ‘turning’, representing energy ‘centre’ in the physical and ethereal body, which transmits life force (ki) to and from the body. Each Chakra has a specific colour, corresponding to a specific organ in the body as well as to the person’s emotions and thoughts. At perfect health each Chakra is clear and balanced.
The Seven main Chakras (listed below) are situated along the centre of the body, running from the crown to the base of the spine.
Check The Energy Book – all about the Chakras…
Chakras were first mentioned in a number of ancient Hindu texts, and have found their way into the yogic traditions and medical practices of Buddhism and Hinduism around five thousand years ago. Similar concept is found in the Jewish tradition, under the name of ‘Sefirot’ (Hebrew: ספירות). While there are numerous Chakras points in the physical and ethereal body, the Seven main Chakras are best known for their powers to heal the corresponding organs in the body.
When the Chakras are clear and balanced the life-energy flows freely in and out. People usually attest for health and wellbeing. Yet, when negative emotions and thoughts block the Chakras, tiredness, illnesses and unhappiness follow. It is possible to clear the Chakras through Reiki session and other healings. Removing the blockages opens up the Chakra to the free flow of energy which empowers the person on physical and spiritual levels. With the Chakras’ energy flowing normally, people report feeling peace and calmness, and having positive outlook on life with a better understanding of their goals.
The 7th chakra, the crown: Located just above the top of the head. Colour: Violet. Cosmic perception, intuition and inspiration.
The 6th chakra, the third eye: Located at the centre of the brows. Colour: indigo. Perception, intuition, knowledge and mental organization.
The 5th chakra, throat: Located at the throat. Colour: blue. Communication, personal expression and the flow of information.
The 4th chakra, heart: Located at the centre of the chest. Colour: green. Love, relationships, personal development, direction and sharing.
The 3rd chakra, solar plexus: Located just below the ribcage. Colour: yellow. A sense of identity, self-confidence and personal power.
The 2nd chakra, sacral: Located in the lower abdomen just below the navel. Colour: orange. Creativity, feelings, sexual drive, and exploration.
The 1st chakra, base/root chakra: Located at the base of the spine. Colour: red. Physical survival, energy distribution and practicality.
Chakras | Glands | Location |
sacral solar plexus heart throat third eye head/crown |
leydig adrenals thymus thyroid pituitary pineal |
base of spine
6 cm (2.5 in’) below navel between ribcage and navel centre of the chest (heart) middle of the throat just above eyebrows crown of the head |
The Dantien is an energy centre located two fingerbreadths (3-5 cm) below the belly button, and 1/3 of the way into the body. It is your personal energy store, the focus of your power, intuition and creativity. The Dantien, a Chinese word, is referred to as the ‘Tanden’ in Japanese. In Reiki teaching there are specific techniques to develop this centre.
» More on Reiki and Wellbeing…
5 Aug 2010. Updated 15 Feb 2017..
© Gil and Natalie Dekel.
Chakras Shop:
Hi, I’ve been doing lots of work on myself Chakra meditations, your healing meditations, etc, But I still feel absolutely awful!, My whole body hurts and I have no energy what so ever, all I want to do is sleep!, Help!, what am I doing wrong!. I’m only 45 and feel 95.
Hi Lynette,
It is rather ‘normal’ to feel tired in the modern hectic life style. We all get this feeling…
The only ‘wrong’ thing we are doing, which takes away all our life energy – is being over obsessed and busy mentally. Worries and thoughts take you away from the moment of Now, so when you over-thinking and over-worrying, you do not live in the present moment. Rather you live in the past. You live in an ‘imagined’ future. This steals away your energy.
Have you tried Reiki healing?
I’m really interested in opening my chakras but I have so many questions, I search on Google but it can never seem to answer them
Thank fully I was practicing Reiki when I was growing through this process of Kundilini awakening… I could relate and I was protected fr any harm and negative fear arising ice..simply because I had developed full faith in my Reiki healing capabilities.. Yes i do see people getting frightened when this process is happening… Thank you for making people aware of the process .Namaste ..
hi,is there any book that i can downlaod about meditations and awakening chakras ?
Try Reiki :
-Reiki Manual
thank you so much!
Since i was a kid i had vibrations all over my body specially when falling asleep. I also got tons visits by angels (awake and lucid), they shown me stuff that i dont remember now. Although I never made any sort of meditation other than being a lonely person. Not because any depression, simply because I avoid being disturbed, i love being alone and think about stuff and relax myself. I’m pretty sure my third eye was open when i was a kid, I always feels presence around me (sometimes it’s quite scary). My premonition saved my life a bunch of times. Anyway, most of my kids experiences faded away with time as i was getting more into the adult life and being more occupied with life “responsibilities”. Still, I keep one of my child capacities and it’s a way to send vibrations from my head all over my body while standing still. It’s hard to explain. Does anyone know what this is? What can be used for?
It sounds like you have a strong ability to send ‘awareness’ or ‘energy’ to cleanse your body. Does the energy coming from the head’s third-eye or the crown chakras? In any case, you should develop it. It is like channelling support and wisdom from the head to all over your body. Check our free reiki 1 manual for some techniques, but you may also benefit from guided meditations
Thanks Gil,
I’m not quite sure but most of the time it comes from the very top of my head, sometimes from the inside.
Have you tried Reiki? Look up for a teacher near you. I think you need to develop your skills, and best to do so for you will be with a teacher.
I don’t know what Reiki is but I’ll try to do some research on it. And maybe find a Teacher. Do you have any information about Reiki?
See Reiki Manual
I have been experiencing pain in my shoulder, neck and arm, (right side) probably a torn rotor cuff.. but was wondering if this could be related to my not (didnt know) opening up and restoring my chakras? thank you for teaching me so much on your site..
[We have sent you direct email with some advice. Thank you for asking.]
I had a similar thing. Began Hatha Yoga and have no recollection of an injury but had to spend 2 months recovering. I have no idea what this was.
I’ve heard tones and had energy spikes also.
Interesting times.
how to awake chakras in our body?
i want to awake.
Simply follow guided meditations online, they will help you ‘open up’ and awaken your chakras
Having recently discovered this type of healing and really feeling, I find it most satisfying. I have a long way to go I realize that too. would truly love to get a higher VIBRATIONAL feeling along my body. There are 4 items I would truly like to be addressed to and healed. I do have FAITH, it will happen, I have no doubt. I too understand PATIENCE is required.
I can get a vibration a (SMALL) one going and a feeling of well being too.
Currently working also on visualizations of what I would like to happen in my life.
Am I on the right path in doing it this way?
Yes, this is the right path. Each person has a different path, and yours is the path of energy, patience, and visualization… Have you tried the guided meditation we offer online?
I have Telepatik expirionc, whit dogs… is thet normal?
Yes, many people are telepathic, and communicate with animals. This is a true gift that you have. You can develop and use to help connect people better with animals, and to make our world better place.