היופי שבזמניות
מלאני צ’אן (Melanie Chan) ציירת בצבעי מים, בראיון עם גיל דקל. גיל דקל: את מתמחה בציורי פרחים בצבעי מים. מה את רואה בפרחים? [1] מלאני צ’אן: אני רואה את היופי של הטבע בפרחים, ואני נדהמת משלמותם ומהסימטריה שלהם. כשאני מתחילה לצייר, הראש שלי מתחיל להירגע,...
The Grieving Hearts: What do we feel about passing over
by Natalie Dekel (MPhil) We all come to this planet through the miracle of love, and for the purpose of living a loving and manifesting love in all areas of our life. There is nothing that shines brighter than the ‘star of life’, which resides deep in the souls of our...
Lessons from Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The power of Now’ – part 3 of 3, (summary review by Gil Dekel, PhD.)
by Gil Dekel. page 138 Most men are captured in the thinking-mind, and most women are captured in the pain-body. In both cases it is a grip of the mind. 140 The present is more powerful than the past. The past (and what other people did to you in the past) cannot...
Lessons from Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The power of Now’ – part 2 of 3 (summary review by Gil Dekel, PhD.)
by Gil Dekel. page 97 Listen with your whole body. If you read a book, then read it with your whole body. Always be connected to your inner body, no matter what shape you see in the outer world. Experience the outer world with your inner world. Keep your attention on...
Lessons from Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The power of Now’ – part 1 of 3 (summary review by Gil Dekel, PhD.)
by Dr. Gil Dekel. page 9 Beggars are those who do not find truth and joy inside; they may be rich financially yet beggars for emotions. Those who look outside for ‘scraps’ of pleasure, do not realise that joy lies in their heart. page 10 The concept of ‘Being’ can be...
Insights from Rudolf Steiner’s ‘Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How it is achieved?’ (summary/ review by Dr. Gil Dekel).
by Gil Dekel. Visionary, architect, and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) provides practical advice to developing a higher sensitivity to life. Forward to the 1969 edition, by A.C.H. Drugs provide experiences but not perception. When using drugs the logic is...
A Short History of Reiki.
By Gil Dekel (PhD) and Natalie Dekel (MPhil) – Reiki Masters/Teachers. There are two versions for the history of Reiki Healing: a traditional story and contemporary one. Western traditional Reiki story Reiki energy was ‘re-discovered’ by Dr Mikao Usui...
Chakras and Dantien.
By Natalie and Gil Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers.Chakra is a Sanskrit word for a wheel or ‘turning’, representing energy ‘centre’ in the physical and ethereal body, which transmits life force (ki) to and from the body. Each Chakra has a specific colour, corresponding...
Reiki Treatment and Hand Positions.
by Natalie and Gil Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers. Western-style self-treatment is based on resting your hands in a series of standard hand positions on your head, shoulders and torso, and letting Reiki flow: Hand Positions – Self treatment: In Reiki First Degree...
Study of Seth Speaks ‘The Eternal Validity of The Soul’ – Part 1
Seth describes himself as energy personality essence that is no longer focused on physical reality. Seth (channelled by Jane Roberts) explains the nature of human reality. Here are some main points and messages: This is Part 1. Go to: >Part 1. >2. Part 1:...
Seas of Consciousness – Guided meditation for relaxation, with Natalie Dekel.
Join us in a journey to the most remarkable place – The Seas of inner Consciousness. Transcript: As you sit down and relax, you take a deep breath. Feel with every breath you take your body starting to relax and it becomes heavier and heavier… Imagine with...
Introduction to Reiki and Personal Development.
Reiki is a method of drawing healing energy that balances the body and the mind. Rei means Universal, and Ki (also known as Chi) means Energy. Reiki – Universal Energy. This energy is known for thousands of years as an energy that flows through people’s body, connecting the sky, the earth, and the core essence of human existence.

The Beauty in Temporality.
Watercolour painter Melanie Chan interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: You specialise in watercolour paintings of flowers. What do you see in the flower? [1] Melanie Chan: I see the beauty of nature in flowers, and I am amazed by their perfection and their symmetry....