The Original Usui Reiki System (extract from Reiki 2 manual)
by Natalie and Gil Dekel, Reiki Masters. The original Japanese style of Reiki Healing is different from the way it is practised in the West today. The original Usui Reiki was very simple, and less complex than the Western style. It did not have a name; and Usui...
מבוא לרייקי ולפיתוח אישי
מאת נטלי וגיל דקל, רייקי מאסטרים. מהי רייקי? רייקי היא שיטת ריפוי והרגעה המבוססת על משיכת אנרגיה אוניברסאלית שמאזנת את הגוף והנפש. ריי פירושו אוניברסאלי, וקי, הידוע גם כ’צ’י’, היא אנרגיה. האנרגיה מוכרת כבר אלפי שנים ונעשה בה שימוש לחבר את השמים עם...
Healthy Mind and Body: can holistic treatments increase our wellbeing and self-awareness?
In a modern world tinged with debt worries, drab commutes and dieting plans, and in the wake of government talk over cuts to the NHS, more and more people are seeking alternatives to traditional Western medicine. In a series of interviews, nine practitioners of...
Free Reiki 1 Manual PDF for you to use in your class
Attached our Reiki 1 Manual. You are free to download it, print it, and use the printed manual in your Reiki classes, as long as you: do not change anything in this document, do not add or remove pages, do not publish or sell it, and do not upload to the internet....
Is Reiki Nonsense?
by Gil Dekel (Reiki Master/Teacher and PhD in Art, Design and Media). The purpose of this article is to analyse the difficulties in formulating coherent arguments about the benefits of Reiki. Whilst scientific research has undoubtedly brought progress to the human...
A Short History of Reiki.
By Gil Dekel (PhD) and Natalie Dekel (MPhil) – Reiki Masters/Teachers. There are two versions for the history of Reiki Healing: a traditional story and contemporary one. Western traditional Reiki story Reiki energy was ‘re-discovered’ by Dr Mikao Usui...
Chakras and Dantien.
By Natalie and Gil Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers.Chakra is a Sanskrit word for a wheel or ‘turning’, representing energy ‘centre’ in the physical and ethereal body, which transmits life force (ki) to and from the body. Each Chakra has a specific colour, corresponding...
Reiki Treatment and Hand Positions.
by Natalie and Gil Dekel, Reiki Masters/Teachers. Western-style self-treatment is based on resting your hands in a series of standard hand positions on your head, shoulders and torso, and letting Reiki flow: Hand Positions – Self treatment: In Reiki First Degree...
Introduction to Reiki and Personal Development.
Reiki is a method of drawing healing energy that balances the body and the mind. Rei means Universal, and Ki (also known as Chi) means Energy. Reiki – Universal Energy. This energy is known for thousands of years as an energy that flows through people’s body, connecting the sky, the earth, and the core essence of human existence.