Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: I think you once said that we all volunteered to come to planet earth… Barbara Marx Hubbard: The question I asked was: do you remember having volunteered? Gil:...
Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: You had a spiritual experience in 1966. Barbara Marx Hubbard: Yes, I did. I was asking the universe what story could we tell comparable to the story of the birth of Jesus?...
Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: Do you think that each one of us invents themselves? Barbara Marx Hubbard: I would use the word ‘discover’ rather than ‘invent.’ It seems like everyone has a unique DNA or a...
Barbara Marx Hubbard interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Gil Dekel: What is the purpose of being a human-being?… Barbara Marx Hubbard: The purpose of being a human-being is to fulfil the divine potential in each one of us… to express...
Prof. Anita Shapira and Dr. Gil Dekel in a conversation. Gil Dekel: How did you come across Natan Hofshi? Prof. Anita Shapira: I came across Natan Hofshi’s name when I worked on the biography of Berl Katznelson. I did not do a research specifically on Natan. The...
بقلم جيل ديكل. كان ناتان هوفشى رجل ذو رؤية . كان نباتيا ومزارعا عضويا من اوائل المنادين بالسلمية فى إسرائيل فى العشرينيات . من خلال قرائاته وكتاباته ومن خلال التحدث إلى أولاده معارفه نكتشف حالة غير عادية: كان هوفشى صهيونبا (أى كان يؤمن بأن إسرائيل هى أرض اليهود)، عايش...
מאת: דר. גיל דקל (נינו של נתן). להלן תמצית רעיונותיו של נתן לקידום תנאים המובילים לשלום. המִספרים הם מספרי העמודים בספר. נתן חפשי (פרנקל) נולד 1889, נפטר 1980. 9 בגיל תשע שמע נתן את אביו מספר לאימו שאוספים כסף לקנות אדמות בישראל. היה זה רגע מכריע בחייו של נתן בדרכו...
Artist Katherine Josten (founder/director of The Global Art Project for Peace) interviewed by Gil Dekel, PhD. Gil Dekel: You have inspired more than 130,000 participants to take part in your project since 1994; how did you do that?… Katherine Josten: I believe...