Short story by Yael-Louise DekelMany people are scared of death, however, really it is fear that prevents life. When I died a fraction of thought fluttered across my mind. It was a vague image of pure blankness before it faded away.I forced open my eyes. Why am I...
By Reiki Masters Natalie and Gil Dekel. *The information was received in a channeling session*. Question: How did the ancient Egyptians sense things that we cannot sense today? Answer: They were of a mixture of people, some were from previous civilization and these...
Spiritual Activist Gabriel Avruj interviewed by Dr. Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Why do you want to help motivate people? Gabriel Avruj: From personal experience I know that the biggest barriers are mental. The mind is a double-edged sword if we do not train it. Our thoughts...
by Natalie Dekel (MPhil) We all come to this planet through the miracle of love, and for the purpose of living a loving and manifesting love in all areas of our life. There is nothing that shines brighter than the ‘star of life’, which resides deep in the souls of our...
Matt Manley (painter, teacher, digital artist, and illustrator of Rumi wall calendars published by Brush Dance) – interviewed by Natalie Dekel. Natalie Dekel: Your work seems a mix of symbols and memories – a puzzle leading the viewer...
‘The Band of Brothers’ in an interview with Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: This interview is taking place through an automatic-speech experiment, where spiritual intelligent forms (‘beings’) are channelled through a medium. So, can I start by asking...
Poet Clive Wilmer interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Hello, Clive… [1] Clive Wilmer: Nice to meet you, Gil, at last… [2] I wasn’t sure if this is Cambridge Central Station, because it looks so ‘open’; quite wide… [3] Yes, it’s an unusual lay-out...