What is language, and how human constraints shape it?
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration RESEARCH What is language, and how human constraints shape it? Richard Futrell [Authors’ info] 5 July 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 3. Language is an example of human creativity, evolving from our ability to adapt and innovate...
Conceptual Metaphor
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration RESEARCH Conceptual Metaphor Marina Mandušić [Author info] 14 February 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 2. Conceptual metaphor theory suggests that our understanding of concepts is often shaped by metaphors, where we use terms from one...
היופי שבזמניות
מלאני צ’אן (Melanie Chan) ציירת בצבעי מים, בראיון עם גיל דקל. גיל דקל: את מתמחה בציורי פרחים בצבעי מים. מה את רואה בפרחים? [1] מלאני צ’אן: אני רואה את היופי של הטבע בפרחים, ואני נדהמת משלמותם ומהסימטריה שלהם. כשאני מתחילה לצייר, הראש שלי מתחיל להירגע,...
Visions of Peace
Artist Katherine Josten (founder/director of The Global Art Project for Peace) interviewed by Gil Dekel, PhD. Gil Dekel: You have inspired more than 130,000 participants to take part in your project since 1994; how did you do that?… Katherine Josten: I believe...
Is Reiki Nonsense?
by Gil Dekel (Reiki Master/Teacher and PhD in Art, Design and Media). The purpose of this article is to analyse the difficulties in formulating coherent arguments about the benefits of Reiki. Whilst scientific research has undoubtedly brought progress to the human...
The Place Of All Answers.
By ‘Ever-rest’ (Spirit Guide channelled by Natalie Dekel, with Gil Dekel). Some people live comfortably, yet not knowing who they are, they are trapped… Even if you surround yourself with comfort you can still remain uncertain. Only knowing who you...
Introduction to Reiki and Personal Development.
Reiki is a method of drawing healing energy that balances the body and the mind. Rei means Universal, and Ki (also known as Chi) means Energy. Reiki – Universal Energy. This energy is known for thousands of years as an energy that flows through people’s body, connecting the sky, the earth, and the core essence of human existence.

Inspiration: a functional approach to creative practice (PhD Research review).
By Dr. Gil Dekel. During my PhD research at the University of Portsmouth I have noted that not only artists and art students can be creative and innovative, but that every single person has the potential to ‘tap’ into creativity. Creativity and inspiration unfold in...
The Energy Behind the Sound.
Spiritual chanting artist, Russell Jenkins, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: How did you develop your chanting abilities? [1] Russell Jenkins: I have a hearing of an Aum. It is like you look at it and you think, ‘Oh, it’s a star that I can pluck out of the sky.’...Suddenly Awakened.
Author Colin Wilson interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: How would you define your sense of artistry? Would you consider yourself a writer, philosopher, mystic, or perhaps a critic? [1] Colin Wilson: Well, as an artist/philosopher, I would say. You see, when I was in...
Meaningful Objects.
Installation artist Ken Devine interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Your art project Colours of the Sphere looks at the ways in which people create meanings with the world around them and especially with colours. [1] Ken Devine: Yes, the project started ten years ago...
The Beauty in Temporality.
Watercolour painter Melanie Chan interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: You specialise in watercolour paintings of flowers. What do you see in the flower? [1] Melanie Chan: I see the beauty of nature in flowers, and I am amazed by their perfection and their symmetry....
Whirlpool of Emotions.
Poet Clive Wilmer interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Hello, Clive… [1] Clive Wilmer: Nice to meet you, Gil, at last… [2] I wasn’t sure if this is Cambridge Central Station, because it looks so ‘open’; quite wide… [3] Yes, it’s an unusual lay-out...
Insight into Words.
Poet Maggie Sawkins interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: You have been writing since the age of nine. How does the process of writing poetry work for you? [1] Maggie Sawkins: I think that there are different processes for different poems. Sometimes it is two things...
The Arc of Grace.
Poet Sylvia Paskin interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: How do words come to you? [1] Sylvia Paskin: Often they come as a burst of emotion. Sometimes I hear or read something, or something happens to me. And around this set of feelings you find yourself writing about...