by Gil Dekel, PhD (Art, Design & Media).
It seems that the connection between thought, emotions, space and time is far greater than understood before.
I am not a scientist; I simply hold interest in that field. Here is a short introduction to the idea that thoughts can manipulate physical reality, and emotions can render the concept of time:
Part 1: Awareness to atoms.
A serious problem facing the world today is actually a very simple one, and it can be solved easily. The problem is that people are unaware of their own atoms… People do not have the awareness or an understanding of the atoms that make their own body; how these atoms are created, how they operate and how they draw energy that enables the body to exist. When people are unaware of their own atoms, then they are unaware of how the planet operates…
The prevailing assumption that most people hold is that we all have a body, and the body exists out of its own ‘energy’, out of its own ‘accord’. Many people seem to believe that the only relation, or ‘exchanges’ between the human body and the exterior world (the surrounding area) is by exchanges of such as water, air and light. Apart of these forms of exchange, people assume that the body exists separately of nature.
However, many studies reveal that this is not so. In effect, the human body seems to draw energies that are beyond what we tend to think. These energies operate on a level that is finer than the atom, and they give the body its initial energy. The human body draws ‘oceans of energies’ from the universe, in order to maintain the functionality of its atoms, molecules and cells. The body draws ‘oceans’ of information from the planet itself, in a way that still puzzles our sciences.
If you could imagine for a moment yourself laying on an ocean… just imagine that you are there resting on the ocean, and then the whole ocean is pulled up into your body in order to give you the energy that enables you to make simple things as taking a breath. This is how people draw in a cosmic energy that gives them energy. Just to take a breath requires a worldwide energy; and this energy is provided free of charge to every single human being on this planet – but people are unaware of it.
The human body is a temple that contains the highest form of cosmic wisdom, and so if we learn to be aware of it, then we can find the solutions to all the problems we face. To do so we need to ask this: Where are the atoms of my body coming from? And where are they going to in the next minute?
Apparently, the human body is not so-called ‘stable, solid’ thing, but rather a complex and interchanging mechanism, where atoms are constantly forming the body, and at the next moment they are discharged off the body; they simply leave the body. It is like breathing in and breathing out, discharging air. When atoms are discharged, new atoms are coming to replace them in forming the organs of the body. It is believed that in the span of a year the person has a totally new body consisting of completely new atoms that were not there a year before.
When atoms go away, new atoms are willingly coming to form the same single body with the same organs. This allows the so-called soul to have a manifestation of a physical existence, the physical experience of ‘living’. But, how?
To learn how atoms operate, we must ask ourselves, where do atoms coming from and where are they going to? That question alone will promote social responsibility because people will acknowledge the connection they have with the surroundings, seeing the environment not as separated of them, but as part of them – consisting of atoms that are transformed to become their own body. People will them want to make sure the environment is well kept because that environment sooner or later creates their own body. You have been created by nature and in turn creating it.

Figure 1: Is nature a ‘fixed’ thing, or is it created by a mind? (photo: Gil Dekel).
Part 2: In the core of atoms are thoughts.
The terms atom, molecules and body-cells are not new. While these terms go way back, still no one knows today what are they. Science is probably not developed enough to understand what is in the core of atoms and what is it that makes atoms. We do know, however, that the mere act of observation alters the result that we measure. For example, the simple act of researching and observing a quantum field in the laboratory alters their behaviour. And this human intervention with reality makes it very difficult for us to understand what is out there, because we know that that which is out there is that which we alter and affect ourselves… (You can read Deepak Chopra to learn more on this topic, and watch the film What The Bleep Do We Know!? [DVD], 2004).
The atom is believed to be a form of energy. But once again, what is energy? It seems that no scientist can give you a definition of energy. Ask a scientist, “what is the energy that makes electricity? What is energy?”, and they will tell you, “We don’t know.” We cannot measure energy; we cannot see energy. Energy is that which is ‘unknown’. Yet, it is this unknown that formulates not just the physical body but also the energy to maintain that physical body. Is it physical at all? We don’t know… Some scientists suggest that more than 99% of the atom is not solid matter. Deepak Chopra’s arguments are most fascinating, suggesting that energy is a potential, a form of potentiality.
Another interpretation of atom was given to me through a meditation session I have taken. During that meditation I became aware of a ‘presence’ which could simply be my own subconscious, however it felt much ‘wiser’ than myself, and had a sense of being independent of myself. I like to use the terms ‘spiritual guides’ or ‘Angels’ to describe these feelings. One such Angel provided me with a fascinating outlook on atoms. He said that atoms are simply a form of thoughts… Atoms are a manifestation of what people think… The Angel said that we first need to understand the context of thoughts.
When we use the word ‘thought’, we mean an event on the level of human beings. There are other forms of beings, which do not succumb to the law of our nature. We live on planet Earth and we are bound to the laws of nature as well as to the audio/visual/emotional expressions that we use. We are under the words that we use to express reality and to understand it. We make sense of reality through our logic, which uses words (see Susan K. Langer on this topic). This is a dogmatic view; a dogmatic perspective on life, and within this dogmatic perspective my Angel said that ‘thoughts’ live. A thought for you and me, for human beings, can be one thing, whereas to other forms of being it could be something totally different. Thought can behave in few ways. One way is specific to human beings. Other ways are specific to other beings.
And so the Angel said that thoughts formulate what we otherwise know as ‘atom’. Atoms and thought are the same, and this is why we seem to alter reality and change atoms when we observe them. We use our attention – our thoughts – to look at atoms, which are also thoughts… We use atoms to observe atom, and this is where the alterations of atoms in nature start. This may indeed be seen not as alteration but as a creation. When we put attention and observe reality we perhaps do not alter or change it – but rather create it. We create the atoms of which we observe. As thoughts cerate atoms, we could say that our body consists of our own thoughts – manifested in an illusion of physicality and solidity…
Thoughts are understood as electrical discharges coming mainly from the brain, whereas in reality they exist everywhere, coming and going from all corners of the Universe. And yet, since we believe that thoughts are localised in the brain, we perceive them as such – localised in the brain. This is but a small perspective of the overall picture. As we assume thoughts ‘belong’ to the brain (or the mind) we then fail to see that they also make the human body itself; that indeed they are the atoms that make the substance of the body. If thoughts are indeed atoms, then we could say that we ‘think’ with the whole body, or that the body itself is a thinking being. It is in a thought process which includes the brain, the mind, the body and the whole universe, and yet we are aware of only a small portion of this – the part which operates in the brain.

Figure 2: Can the mind affect the beauty of nature? (photo: Gil Dekel).
Part 3: The creation of time and space.
Thoughts, which create atoms, operate within the paradigms of time and space. Time and space are yet another form of comprehension; a form in which we imagine things and follow a specific pattern. Yet, in other worlds which do not consist of our paradigms, time and space do not exist at all. Einstein discussed time as a form created by the human mind, and not by nature. With no time and space, here is also there, and then is also now… Everything exists in the same place and at the same time. Neale Donald Walsch suggests that there is no up and no down, no here and no there – but rather all exist together, side by side. Yet, we do not perceive it as such. Rather, we perceive time and space as a linear continuum. As we perceive atoms as operating within the linear continuums of time and space, we then shift our awareness. We put our attention into the illusory aspect of timespace, and this perception produces the impression that atoms are a solid thing or that atoms constitute solid elements.
And yet, as my Angel told me (read Part 2 to learn who is my ‘Angel’), time is not a given fact but rather a learned perspective. We are born into this world which holds the belief in the existence of time and its linearity. This belief is taught to children to the extent that they do not recognize any more the reality beyond this conditioning. While time, and indeed space, have a useful function in our life on this planet, they are, indeed, a phantom created by our long historical conditioning. So, what is time? Well, my Angel told me that time is no more and no less the length of emotion… Time is created by the length of people’s emotions. If you have a specific emotion, it creates a specific time experience. If you have a different emotion, it creates a different time experience. We all know that when we go to a party and enjoy ourselves, we then say, “Oh, it feels as if time passed so quickly.” In different situations where we do not enjoy, we say, “Time moves so slowly.” Time, indeed, is the length of emotion…
Emotions create time, and thoughts create atoms. Yet, in most experiences in our daily lives, the two elements, thoughts and emotions, do not correspond. They operate as two separate occurrences within people. They flow as two different streams. Thought, which create atoms and which produces the body, does not correspond to emotions, which produce time. This is why many people do not experience happiness, because the body, which is your thought-product, does not correspond to your time, which is your emotion-product. For that same reason, people grow up. People age, and aging they do not appreciate it, because they are unaware of the process. They do not realize the process; they do not make a coherent existence of thought-body and emotion-time. These two are operating separately, unknowingly to the person.
Being unaware, many people believe that there is such a thing called ‘time’, and it is measured by a tick of the clock. People believe that time is something external to them; something which is right there on my shelf when I look at the clock, and it creates time… Some people will agree that the clock does not create time but will argue that the clock measures time. So what creates time then? Many will say that the movement of the sun creates time; when the earth moves around the sun it produces a ‘yesterday’; therefore, now is ‘today’. In truth, my Angel argued, the movement of planet Earth around the sun does not creates time. The only connection between the movement of the planets and time is that ancient man begun to measure his experience of day and night through the use of the shadow that is cast on the earth once you stick a pole in the ground. Ancient man used the rotation of the earth and the amount of light coming from the sun, which produces shadow, to measure day and night, but not to ‘create’ time. Yet, many people today believe that time is a substance, a solid thing, which ‘exists’. That belief prevails since people are unaware of their emotions, which create time. People are unaware of their thoughts, which create their body within time.

Figure 3: How emotions affect reality? (photo: Gil Dekel).
Part 4: Information from the creators.
Albert Einstein talked about the illusion of time, saying that time is a psychic activity created by the human mind. Emmanuel Kant talked about time and space. He gave a fascinating explanation of time. For him, time is a tool by which human beings limit the large reality. In the so-called large reality things can happen in a way that is inconceivable to our mind, such as the same person exiting in two places at the same time. When humans limit this reality, they produce time concept, which enables them to understand how something can be in one place and at another place. With the logic of time people assume that a thing simply moved in time from one place to another. While in reality all things exists at one place and at all times, to the human mind a thing seemed to move from one place to the other in time. Human beings devised this amazing mechanism called ‘time’ which limits, or splits reality, and render it accessible to the brain.
In order to create a correlation between our thoughts (which are our bodies), and our emotions (which are our time), we must become aware of ourselves. We must become aware of how we think and how we feel. The external world is the projection of humans’ own mind, as Carl Jung suggested and Seth (channelled by Jane Roberts) discussed. Indeed, the external world is a beautiful creation and the projection of our own selves, and therefore it is a gift as it always reminds us what we are creating. It is a mirror. When we look outside, we look at mirrors reflecting ourselves, reflecting our own thoughts. While we can explore these projections, we also should focus on the creators, ourselves.
In order to stop the calamities and sufferings on this planet, we need to explore how we think and how we enable those creations, unwillingly. Rene Descartes said that to learn and become wiser, you don’t need to leave your room. You can stay inside your own house and just observe yourself. Now we don’t need to go to that extreme; nature is a beautiful place… the world is a beautiful creation given to us in order to enjoy our own creation. However, it was given to us in order to experience our own creation. Many people look at the outside world and they are unaware that it is their own making. So they are walking through life like zombies, inside their own dream. They don’t realize that they are walking within their own creation.
So why is it that most people are unaware of their own powers? Unaware of their thoughts? Unaware of their emotions, and unaware of this source of energy, these oceans of energies that they draw every single moment that allow the body to manifest and to live? Because most people do not follow the simple act of stopping for just one minute a day – stopping and trying to look inside.
When I say ‘inside’, I do not necessarily mean to sit, close your eyes, and look inside you. While that is a good technique it does not have to be the only technique. You can actually look at a flower with your eyes open and just observe the essence that is reflected from you and into the flower and the objects around you. There are many ways to do so. It becomes so simple once people realize that all it takes is simply to stop. When we stop for a moment in our modern hectic lifestyle, we are enabling our mind to do something amazing. Instead of generating constant thinking, we are enabling the brain to listen, to absorb. This is crucial. While the act of generating constant thinking is very important indeed to organize your day, yet it can also limit you. When the mind is busy writing the script of your day, in producing thoughts, it is unable at the same time to listen; to receive information. To receive a script, and words of wisdom, coming to you from so many sources that most people do not even know exist.

Figure 4: is there ‘independent-intelligence’ in the creative process? (photo: Gil Dekel).
Part 5: Evolution.
The brain was not designed to be a processor of information and a receptor of information at the same time (on the conscious level). While the brain receives information at all times, this goes to the so-called subconscious level, which Carl Jung describes. Human beings constantly receive information but if we do not stop, we do not allow this information to be processed and we do not allow ourselves to become aware of it. The act of stopping gives your brain an opportunity to hear; to listen. This concept is one of the greatest contributions of Judaism to the world’s wisdom. In Judaism they say that silence is worth so much that the act of listening is more important than the act of talking. As some people say, God gave us two ears and one mouth only… so listen twice as much as you speak…
And why is it so important to listen? After all there is too much chattering around me in my world, with too much information constantly bombarding me. I want to listen less because there is already too much… Well, when I say ‘listening’, I mean listening to the voice inside you; listening to the messages that are coming from within; the wisdom that is constantly spoken to you from your own inner, higher self. I call it ‘the authorial-Self’ (watch ‘interview with authorial-Self’ on
There is a source of knowledge, a source of wisdom, which resides not within you; it resides much further and deeper beyond you… but to reach it you need to go inside. You need to walk the bridge from your external self through your internal self and from there into your authorial-Self. Many people are afraid to talk about this or to admit that they feel things or that they have inner ‘hearings’. People are scared because they would be deemed crazy. But it doesn’t have to be necessarily inner-voices. You might feel a ‘knowing’, a feeling of an understanding or a form of wisdom. Yet, to contact that form of wisdom you must allow your brain one minute a day of comprehension; give it the authority to listen. When it listens, it listens to what’s inside. And when it listens to what’s inside, it gives permission to your authorial-Self to provide you with this wisdom.

Figure 5: Are there any other ‘forms’ of consciousness in nature that communicate with people? (photo: Gil Dekel).
Now this wisdom, as I said, does not reside within your body; it does not reside within the atoms of the brain, but rather in a much deeper place. As one poet told me once, “I have become a deeper woman.” I would like to borrow this statement to describe the deeper self, which is the place where all answers reside. It is the vast ocean from which you draw your energy, the force of life that runs through you at all times. This force contains not just energy but also information, knowledge. (Read about Reiki to learn more about this source).
If we to absorb this knowledge we could then learn who we are. People will then know where they are coming from, and where they draw their life force. People will learn where life is going to after it leaves their own body, and after it has been discharged completely from their own emotions and from their own thoughts.
Then we would know what our purpose on this planet is; what we have been before we came to this planet; where are we going next. And, why this life, this form of being a human, is so necessary to our spiritual evolution.
Text and photography © Gil Dekel, PhD.
27 May 2012. Update 16 June 2015.
Sometimes I experience myself as emptiness or as a many colored jewel like plasma condition with certain essential qualities moving through this field .Among these love, peace and strength these are not emanating from myself they are moving through me .I at times have become an emanation of them. I appreciate your atomic thoughts. I am considering what your saying in regard to some deeper understanding moving through me by way of this jewel like condition
Ya. No. If the world is a figment of our brain then why doesn’t every person have their own world, their own planet? Also, the world is full of corruption and violence. If the world is a figment of our brain what kind of human would create (frankly no human can do it) something like that. Here’s something else. If humans are the one creating atoms and forming stuff who made the first atom which made the first human. I doubt the universe started with an atom that reproduced till there were enough of it to make humans who could make more to make planets and then the entire universe. Ya, sounds a bit like The Matrix to me……also, about listening more and talking less. I think that’s the only point I agree on but the intense stuff about stopping every damn second to look inside myself is a big no. Change does come from within but you change only of you have the ability to look at yourself from an outer perspective. Not an inner perspective. That’s where the word SELF obsessed came from. Another thing. Talking and thinking to yourself is a legit thing. I believe it is caused INTUITION. ever heard of it? Google it up if you haven’t. I’m sorry for the rant I’m just majorly ignorant or confused.actually I’m both. I just don’t get your concept. I’m too narrow minded for that. I’m sorry.
You say thoughts create atoms, I thought energy couldn’t be created or destroyed? I believe that we can manipulate atoms, I think to say we can create something that is eternal by our thoughts is to believe you are some kind of God. I enjoyed your post and I agree with most of it. Send me a email sometime.
Comments we received when this article was published in
– I really enjoyed reading this post. Great step by step description!
Kasyn, November 7, 2010
– Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
Rob, November 24, 2010
– For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.
Alicia, February 1, 2011
– But do thoughts create the atoms themselves? I thought the atoms, or light or quarks or however small you want to get were just energy waves (zero point energy = consciousness = god) waiting to be transformed into matter. So I thought atoms were already there as a wave particle and thought just turns that into actual atom particles. I might just be nitpicking but just trying to get all this clear in my head.
H., June 22, 2011