Tanakh Lessons, part 1.
Chapter 1 (Bereshit), verse 1-8. With Gil Dekel. Gil: We’re going to look at Tanakh (Tanach). What is Tanakh? Yael: The Holy Text. Gil: Torah Navi’im K’Ttuvim: Taf, Nun, Khaf. Together we call it Tanach תנך. Chapter Bereshit; what does Bereshit mean?...The Book of Destiny – Toledot Charlap – Chapter XXIX
By Arthur F. Menton and Dr. Gil Dekel for additional notes {in brackets}, corrections, and images. Chapter XXIX – The Family of Ze’ev Ben Avraham of Tykocin Page 483 Rabbi Ze’ev Ben Avraham Charlap and his wife Gittel established their home in...The Book of Destiny – Toledot Charlap – Chapter XXVI
The four centuries that our ancestors spent in Spain roughly coincide with what has been called the Golden Age. It was the age of Solomon Ibn Gabirol, Yehuda Halevi, and Maimonides.
The Book of Destiny – Toledot Charlap – Chapter XXV
Charlap {חרל”פ} was the ancestral honorary title of our family. {The surnames} Ser and Kiejsmacher were arbitrary names assigned near the beginning of the nineteenth century. The Charlaps were descended from King David. Relatives who belonged on totally different branches of the family tree and who had never had connections with one another presented documents claiming Davidic ancestry.