Journal of Creativity and Inspiration INTERVIEWS Being alert to the surroundings and letting the ideas come: Eddie Curtis interviewed by Gil Dekel Eddie Curtis and Gil Dekel [Authors’ info] 5 July 2024 – Vol 2, Issue 3. Gil: How do you ‘find’ the image to...
By Gil Dekel, PhD. While we refer to colours with specific names (such as: red, green or blue) in truth colours do not seem to have specific ‘identity’. They are not ‘separate’ from each other, and do not exist in ‘isolation’. Rather they affect each other and depend...
By Dr. Gil Dekel How can colours support you in organising and designing information in your print or online projects? Here is a summary of the chapter ‘Colour’ from Tufte’s book ‘Envisioning Information’[1], with further suggestions I came across during my work as a...
By Dr. Gil Dekel. Hue, saturation, and brightness are characteristics of colours. Hue is another word for colour. The hue (colour) is the dominant wavelength that we see, for example: red, blue, green. Saturation is the intensity of the colour. It is how vivid and...
Learning days with photographer Gil Dekel (PhD), Reiki Master/Teacher. The way we look at things influences the way we experience life. It is therefore beneficial for the mind and the soul to ‘learn how to see’… Would you like to see beauty around you, while...
With Dr. Gil Dekel. Examples of photography concepts: Scale (Small, Spacious) – Space (Realistic, Conceptual, Empty, Crowded) – Layers – View point (High angle, Low angle) – Composition (Centred, Distributed) – Depth of Field (Small,...
מלאני צ’אן (Melanie Chan) ציירת בצבעי מים, בראיון עם גיל דקל. גיל דקל: את מתמחה בציורי פרחים בצבעי מים. מה את רואה בפרחים? [1] מלאני צ’אן: אני רואה את היופי של הטבע בפרחים, ואני נדהמת משלמותם ומהסימטריה שלהם. כשאני מתחילה לצייר, הראש שלי מתחיל להירגע,...
Chronology of Felice Varini’s works. Most works are shown here from the vantage point, as well as from outside the vantage point. All works were created with resin paint on landscapes. There is no Photoshop or image manipulations here. To learn from Felice why...
by Natalie Dekel. How artists embody their distinct personality, emotions and experiences, in the process of making an art work? The literature in art does not sufficiently discuss this point, where the literature often refers to the final product from which views...
By Natalie Dekel. The following paintings were created using coloured-wax applied with heated iron onto glossy cards. This technique is called encaustic wax. The technique involves the application of coloured wax onto a heated iron, which causes the wax to melt. When...
By Natalie Dekel. There are so many things in life we need to achieve and so many thoughts we ought to think, that we do not have time to stop and observe what is happening inside us. It takes courage, I found, to look within. It takes practice to look into the dark...
By Natalie Dekel. Psychic portraits can help people see their past-lives, their loved ones and their Spiritual Guides. I would like to share with you the process of inspiration behind the psychic paintings that I produce. I have been painting from a very young age,...
Black Circle That is Going to Be. Animation Flash Artwork. 2008. Converted to GIF animation (2019). Gil Dekel. “What interests me is not the square or the circle, but what is in betweenthe two: the artistic process by which one becomes the other.”...
Interview with Alan Steinfeld, author and founder of Gil Dekel: You are writing about the artist’s role in creating new realities. Do you think there is a unique or specific way that artists see or experience reality? Alan Steinfeld: The artist...
Performance artist Roi Vaara interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Would it be correct to say that you are a ‘performance artist’? [1] Roi Vaara: I am known for my performances, so yes, it is correct to say I am performance artist. But when I am asked what I do, I...
Installation artist David Johnson interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Your work has undergone an interesting evolution over the years. [1] David Johnson: When I was young I used to paint and draw and make mono-prints. I studied architecture originally, but gave...
Installation artist Ken Devine interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Your art project Colours of the Sphere looks at the ways in which people create meanings with the world around them and especially with colours. [1] Ken Devine: Yes, the project started ten years ago...
Watercolour painter Melanie Chan interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: You specialise in watercolour paintings of flowers. What do you see in the flower? [1] Melanie Chan: I see the beauty of nature in flowers, and I am amazed by their perfection and their symmetry....
Mandala painter, Barry Stevens, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Mandalas are usually round, or I should say circular around a centre. As such they do not seem to have an up or down, left or right. How do you then ‘plan’ the painting? [1] Barry Stevens: The...
Perspective-localized painter, Felice Varini, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Felice does not paint on canvas but rather on architectural and urban landscapes, such as buildings, walls, and streets. His paintings have one vantage point (view point) from which the viewer can...
Portraits and Encaustic Wax painter, Natalie Dekel, interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: When did you start painting? Natalie Dekel: I was left-handed and my mother was worried that I will not be able to use my right hand. Where I was born and grew up, everyone had to...