If you could write to God, what would you say? what would you ask?

Write your letter to God:


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Thank you for all you have done for me.


Katie  –  13 May 2015.


Dear God,
I never thought you would do this one rather odd and childish thing for me just to make me happy. It’s been such bliss to finally see him after 10 years. Had it been one of my mischievous plans and sneaks to meet him, it would not be as much pleasurable. Thanks for making him safe all those years. And thanks for satisfying the heart that has been longing. You’re amazing!!!

Lily  –  9 May 2015.


thank you GOD for everything youve done in my life.

all the life lessons youve showed me.

thank you jesus

its time the world makes things right.

i pray for my family , nyc , longisland , all of america GOD bless america god bless mexico slavidor

all of earth i havent yet visited. all of it.

i pray to change to wolrd for the better.

in jesus name i pray amen

chrissache  –  8 May 2015.


Dear God,

Take us all back to the world like ten years ago when life was more simple. Also back to part time job (had but went full time) so we can all spend more time with family n friends, relax more.

Maribel  –  27 April 2015.


Dear lord,
we need your help right now, please help us and save us lord. we have a heavy financial problem that we can’t deal with our own. we have very very big debt. we don’t know what to do now or how to remove our debt. we have been asking many friends of us and to you for help for some time. because of my own big debt i can’t even see my 10 months old daughter. i miss her so much. lord help and save my family to be able to stand up again and recover from this heavy burden. i am serious.we know we are a sinners but please forgive us and set us free from debts. you said” all that you ask of the father in my name he will grant you” i have been waiting. oh my lord, don’t take long to answer my prayer request. i actually need it right now. mother mary, queen of peace, all the angels and saints please pray for us.

peter lwin  –  5 April 2015.


Dear Big G,

Thank you…
for my families and friends who are always there for me.
for my enemies who always hates me.
for the opportunity to live in your magical world.
for the trials and problems because without them, i am not the person i am today.
for the blessings that you always give me
for the strength to hold on despite of all the sacrifices and trials that I’ve encountered.
for your healing hands for healing my broken heart.
for giving me a kind and understandable heart and mind.
and lastly, thank you for waking me up everyday. i super duper Love You!

can i ask you to please also help those people who are in need of your love?
open up there hearts,heal there broken hearts and please wake them up everyday with your healing hand..
thank you for watching me everyday Big G!
With Love,
Cammy 🙂

Cammy  –  20 March 2015.


Dear God,
I’m counting down the days left for me to receive my blessing. I believe you are drawing me near him. I am so happy you taught me to approach you with my need and wait with faith till you provide it to me. Thank you for being such a wonderful father. I really hope to learn from and love you more.
With love

your child  –  17 March 2015.


God ,I’ve prayed to you many times when I was younger. I’ve asked you why me ? Why do I get to experience the things that I experience? Why couldn’t you have picked another person? After awhile I kind of gave up because I felt you weren’t hearing my prayers to you. I know it was really wrong for me to give up on you but I felt you had. I felt my prayers weren’t getting answered. Many nights I cried under my covers, wondering why? I don’t have to say what it is because I feel you already know from my thoughts and from me praying to you. What is your purpose in what I’ve been going through for years?

Nicole  –  11 March 2015.


Dear God,

Thank you so much for keeping me alive till this moment. Thank you so much for all the comforts you have given me. I cannot express how grateful I’m to you for giving me such a wonderful mother, the world’s most beautiful and wonderful mother. Thank you so much for giving me such a caring sister and such a good dad.

I’m grateful to you that I’m feeling alive right now even though I feel incomplete and lost. I know this situation will change one day. It will change for sure with your love and blessings.

Thank you so much for bringing him to my life. I haven’t seen anyone like him anywhere. He is the most beautiful part of my life even though it was a brief period of time. Even if he can’t be mine, if it ends up in that situation also, it’s okay. I know you have better plans for me. Thank you God for all those beautiful memories. That is enough for a lifetime.

I’m still holding on to the hope that there are chances of him being mine. Whatever happens, I’m ready to accept it because you have given me all the strength. Thank you for making me strong. I love you and will always love you and will always be faithful to you.

With love,

Vidhya  –  20 February 2015.


Dear God
I’m not supposed to have a break just to write to you
‘Cause I’ve been neglecting things I’ve to do
Its seems as though I’m stuck in my valleys
And if I’m out its only to circle the mountains
Where is the top God?
And when will I be there?
Jesus I’m out of aspiration, lost all my motivation
I don’t wanna live ‘cause I have already given up
I don’t wanna die either ‘cause I didn’t finish my race
Just wondering how to get out of this mess
And I thought I did not consent to be created
So Jesus please put me back to non –existence
I believe you’re there too, with in the unseen
So let’s meet there and chat why it’s so
Why was I brought up in this world?
Why do I’ve to go through all this?
Why couldn’t it be just the two of us?
Why was Satan allowed to screw me up?
Why all this temptations?
Why do I’ve to proof I’m on your side?
Why isn’t happy and prospered life as free as your grace?
Your’s anyway,

Lensa  –  2 February 2015.


god I don’t like to do project please help me for that much of money should spend

ramya  –  26 January 2015.


Dear God
Please help me on my study, God i want to be a doctor i want to help you help people those who is in need… i will help people with a capability to cure their illness… please please please God.. i promise you that, i love you..
please do help me in my study as i help my self


JustDesiree  –  23 January 2015.