If you could write to God, what would you say? what would you ask?

Write your letter to God:


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Dear God,
Plz help me. I don’t know what to do with my life now. I don’t understand what I need to do. Plz teach me and guide me through life. I put my faith in you plz help me through my life.


Jess  –  10 July 2015.


god ive been waiting for this day. Please help me so i can go with him without their known. Im really scareddds please just dont let them know. Im beggin youuuu

Your daughter  –  21 June 2015.


Dear God,

I have ever grown to know there is a superior being who oversees the affairs of this world. I have feared You in my life because I know You see every thing happening down here. I come openly that you forgive me of that one deed which makes me very uncomfortable. I know you get me. Some times I wonder why these things happen to me, even with how much I reverence you. Some times I think you are being unfair to me. I know how much I put to thinks…am very hard working and still…………..nothing to show for it. Honestly, am getting tired of believing. God! If true you are good, I want to see you work in my life. I just want to see you pass through me. Please i beg of you.

  –  20 June 2015.


Dear God the creator,
You are the creator and I do believe you can open the doors for me to reach my goal. My company and myself needs $2000000 in order to lift up and move forward. A lot have been done and I a sure that just one small step or just one idea, success will be part of my life. I need a concrete result now, in order to honor my professional and private responsibilities.I love be an entrepreneur and I love what I am doing but I must have money, precisely $2000000 to keep going. Please hear me and help me.

Galorbi  –  19 June 2015.


hi god! i have just one requisition from you.HELP me.plz

memo  –  18 June 2015.


Dear God,

I”m really struggling with my job right now. i don’t know if this is where I am supposed to be. I’m reaching out to you for direction and wisdom. When King Solomon requested wisdom from you, you didn’t deny him. I know You are faithful. Please help me, my King. I feel so lost in my confusion and fear at my job. My job makes me feel so many emotions that are not good. I went part time, but Lord, I feel like all I did was run away. I don’t want to run away my King. You didn’t intend for me to live my life in fear. I want to be able to provide for my family and be happy doing it. Restore to me my passion to work with people. Strengthen my hands to do my job. Allow my managers and bosses to look at with me kindness. The things Satan intend for harm, make them be for the good. Help me with my job, give me peace, give me ability, give me perseverance and patience. I need you Lord, even when I have a hard time reaching out to you. Please be my strong tower, my fortress, in whom I take refuge. Give me wisdom Lord. You know the desires of my heart.

  –  17 June 2015.


Dear God, i thank you for being forever faithful to me, for being my guide, shield since when i was a baby, you kept your eyes on me even when i never knew you, you shined your light unto my path even when i ran away from you, you pick me and wash me clean with the Blood of your very own son (Jesus) oh Lord am grateful for life, the peace you gave in abundance, for your mercy that is ever new. thank you for being mindful of me.

praise  –  17 June 2015.


Dear God,

Today, I ask you for my mother’s life, she has been through some really tough times and this time is probably the worst

I beg you my dear lord for her good health, her jolly nature and a few good years filled with happiness

She has done so much for me and now its my turn. I want to make her happy, I want to give her love, I want to give her a grandchild
I want her education for my child, i want her love… The love a grandchild deserves. Love that I got, love that she gave me, i am grateful forever. I need her blessings

God, please give her a new life. I believe in you. I have my faith in you.

Please god please help us.. Bless us

Your loving son

ankur gupta  –  11 June 2015.


Dear God, I am very thankful for this new chapter of my life, I feel like I was raised from the dead because of this life experience had brought me. Because of this certain life event, my life flashed back at me, thinking all the people who loved and helped me. I never thought of aborting my own child when I get pregnant untimely. I am really sorry for having thoughts like this before, I just realized how precious life is and how wrongly for me to think of killing an innocent baby from my own flesh and blood. Thank you for opening my mind and my heart. Thank you for saving me again specially this one. Thank you Lord.

Your Daughter  –  7 June 2015.


Hi Father. . I wanna thank you for being there when i need you even when i don’t your still here. I need you more then ever. I pray my heart will stay on fire for you.. I pray you continue to guide me. .i pay for my kids and you lead them to you..THANK YOU JESUS FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME.AMEN. …

William  –  4 June 2015.


dear God

lord we need your help, my moms brand new cellphone was stolen.i pray for your mercy and grace to bring it back , forgive all my sins and keep us safe thank you lord AMEN

shalom  –  26 May 2015.


Dear God,
I just love and thank you! I trust and believe in you. Thank you <3

  –  19 May 2015.