By Natalie Dekel.
The perception of beginning and end is pure human fantasy. Who said that birth was your beginning, who said you finish with death?… who said you are supposed to graduate from one stage to another with a ‘certificate’ and pass grades for doing the right thing?…
As long as you are Alive you keep changing, keep evolving, keep unfolding from one stage to another with the beat of the universe. The energy flows into various aspects of the Self and illuminate each time a different aspect on which we have not worked.
You are so good at beating your self up – but what if your beliefs are not really yours?… What if the sense of unworthiness came to you from your parents who passed their beliefs to you because this is the only awareness they have/had?
What if some emotions and feelings are totally not yours? and when you are working so hard on eradicating them in reality you are working out someone else’s karma… What if you are perfect, whole and complete human-being, Now, Here in This One.
What if all the ‘shortcomings’ you perceive about yourself are there not to be judged but to be embraced? To be embraced and loved because the only way to help is to Love and see them as whole as they are underneath the illusion of lack and limitations.

‘Open Up’ (Photo by Gil Dekel)
I think the universe is speeding it all for you so you can crack up. When you crack suddenly you are not fixed, not moulded anymore. Suddenly the Universe is alive and raw and pulsing through you, and in you, as God Creative flow itself waiting to open up in new directions.
It is ok to feel cracked up and bleeding rawness.
It is ok to feel pain and stay in it.
It is ok to have other around you with limited thinking.
In order to be the Light you need to be surrounded by those whose greatest gift to you is to be your darkness so you can shine your light into it. In truth everyone is light in their essence, yet they hide this light. If everyone where to shine the light then you would never experience this light for all you would know is Light. So some of us have chosen to be limited, hurt, low, creepy, ugly etc. so the others may shine and blast their light no matter what the illusion is. And so when we unite into One again we can open our hearts and join in the glorious being of One Love with no lack, no limitations or needs.
We are not here for long. Look back at your life (in my case almost 37 years passed in a blink) – you will see that we are here to experience this life, so we can work out the bulk of the karma. And then we are off to an astral plane for more detailed and delicate energy work, until we are free.
So, do not mind the endless work it all takes. Flowers do not doubt their short existence nor their beauty. Elephants do not ask why they have to carry heavy loads, rather they serve humanity and this world.
Your heart never asks you why it has to pump blood to keep you going, even if you go the opposite direction it wants. Your heart never argues, even as it does not go on holidays. Your immune system is never idle.
The idea of beginning and end is an illusion in itself. In this time the old self dies with cries of despair, and the new self emerges into a new path and a new birth.
13 June 2015. © Natalie and Gil Dekel