by artists Natalie Dekel and Gil Dekel. The inspiration behind these art works came from the Chakras. Chakras are centres in the human body that regulate the flow of the Chi energy. There are 7 main Chakras as well as thousands more that are less known. The...
Hello, I am Natalie, a visual artist using few techniques, and offering spiritual intuitive readings (advice) to clients, using art. Contact me, here. More details, see bottom of this page. I have a few styles/themes: Encaustic Wax I have been given a set of...
Designed and curated by Gil Dekel (PhD). Paintings by Natalie Dekel (MPhil). The nature of materiality There are three chambers in this virtual gallery – consisting of the materials Earth, Air and Water. The philosopher Empedocles of Acragas from Sicily (ca. 490–430...
By Natalie Dekel. The following paintings were created using coloured-wax applied with heated iron onto glossy cards. This technique is called encaustic wax. The technique involves the application of coloured wax onto a heated iron, which causes the wax to melt. When...
By Natalie Dekel. There are so many things in life we need to achieve and so many thoughts we ought to think, that we do not have time to stop and observe what is happening inside us. It takes courage, I found, to look within. It takes practice to look into the dark...