Opening drawers in my memory: a sculptor’s creative process
Journal of Creativity and Inspiration PERSPECTIVE Opening drawers in my memory: a sculptor’s creative process Silvia Contarelli [Author info] 6 September 2023 – Vol 1, Issue 1. Inspiration and art. I have often wondered what links these two together, and if one...Insights from Rudolf Steiner’s ‘Knowledge of the Higher Worlds: How it is achieved?’ (summary/ review by Dr. Gil Dekel).
by Gil Dekel. Visionary, architect, and philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) provides practical advice to developing a higher sensitivity to life. Forward to the 1969 edition, by A.C.H. Drugs provide experiences but not perception. When using drugs the logic is...Lines of the Self: artistic choices while creating art works.
In this paper I will reflect on the connection between lines in art works, the artist’s personality and the choices they make in the creative process. I will offer examples from my work as a painter/animator and a researcher.