Dr. Gil Dekel.
Part 2. Go to part 1. 3.
Page 178
We can close the gap between the comfort of tradition and the necessity of today’s innovation. We do not need to abolish old religions and beliefs, but to fulfil them.
People find it hard to let go of Beliefs.
All people and all nature and the universe – all are made from the same stuff. This is our Oneness.
Our chemical makeup is the same.
Oneness is one substance that is made into different combinations and concentrations.
There are Basic Principles for lives:
- Functionality
- Adaptability
- Sustainability.
We are far more advanced in our ability to destroy each other, than our ability to get along with each other.
Our morals have emerged from our beliefs about God. We believed that God needs something, and so we created morality around this.
Morals – application of beliefs. We think that we stick to our beliefs, but we tend to change our morals (thus change our beliefs). For example, some people believe that God wants them to be honest, but then they cheat on their taxes. They keep the belief but change its moral, its application. Yet, in fact, changing morals is changing your beliefs, since morals are beliefs-expressed. Thus, such people are hypocrites.
Our moral ideas tend to shift, and we do not acknowledge it, thus we become righteous. Our righteousness is killing us.

Neale Donald Walsch, author of CwG (art © Gil Dekel)
We can look at actions at their functionality, and ask: Does this work or not? Does death penalty do what we want it to do, or maybe is does not? Does it have functionality?
If the purpose of death penalty is to punish and retaliate, then it achieves its purpose. But if the purpose is to deter others, then it does not work, since crimes do continue to occur. So we should not rely on “morality”, but on functionality.
Morality changes. Alternative choices or actions should not be judged according to so-called morality, but functionality – does this work or not…
Following the pattern of thought of “Right and Wrong” brings with it the thought that we need to punish people. We see “wrong” as a moral failure, rather than as something that is simply functionally not-working. We do not have to punish, but instead to make something work. Then we can correct, change, and find a new way.
Life sustains itself. And we, as expressed-life, can sustain ourselves. Yet, we seek to sustain by claiming ownership. We claim ownership over our body, our spouse’s body, over our children, our lands, our earth, our planet. We do not realise that these actually belong of Life itself.
We consider resources as something belonging to individual human beings and their governments. Thus, we divide the earth itself; we divide its resources and kill over it. Yet, in truth, we never own a thing, rather we are all stewards taking care of our bodies/earth/resources/life. Our bodies, the earth and its resources are trusted in our hands – for a short period. We should not to “own” it. Nothing can be possessed forever. It may be in your possession yet it is not your possession.
God invites us to have Functionality, Adaptation and Sustainability, in our life:
Functionality – functional beliefs.
Adaptation – core beliefs that can change as condition and awareness change. Sustainability – core beliefs that serve the human agenda since they serve the soul agenda.
Currently our ideas serve the body, the survival – to be fed, safe, pleasurable. For the soul, survival is not an issue. The soul is Life itself, locally manifested. Safety and pleasure are the soul’s inherent qualities, thus the soul does not seek these. The soul is these.
S.O.U.L. – Singular Outflow of Universal Life.
Our soul is who we truly are. Our body and mind are tools to experience who we are in the Realm of Relative.
We are Not our body. We are Not limited. We are limitless, without end.
The body is ours, but not us. The body is our tool. It can be hurt, damaged, destroyed – bot we cannot get hurt, damaged or destroyed.
The “aura”, the light, the soul – is the core essence. It is who I am. The light, aura, does not radiates from physical objects as it may seem, but radiates into all objects, thus creates the objects. This light, aura, soul, envelopes physical objects.
The soul never ends. It goes forever, thus all “souls” mix into one another, and are in fact One Soul. God’s soul.
We are not exclusivists, elitists or separatists. We are all One. One energy of intelligent Life. Intelligence which is the repository and a source for all knowledge, awareness, data, information, understandings and experiences.
People who are robbed of Self-esteem rob others of theirs. People who do not love themselves cannot love others. People who see themselves as unworthy see others as unworthy.
We are all One. “Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way”. People can return to themselves once they are allowed to think their own highest thoughts about themselves, and announce it. You can give people back to themselves when you announce it for them.
Tell people their magnificence. When they find themselves through you, they return to their own most glorious vision of who they are. They are no longer lost, for you have returned them to themselves. You are the Angel for whom someone is waiting today.
Science and spirituality study the same discipline, from different angles. Both are the study of life, examined from different perspectives.
We are meant to act as Gods, and we do so every moment, thought we ignore this. We shrink from “playing god”.

Neale Donald Walsch (© Gil Dekel)
Science evolves, but we tend to stop it with claims that science, such as genetic science, is “God’s domain”. We claim that it is not proper domain for medical science, thus we make of it a “moral issue” of “right” and “wrong”, instead of making observation of “what works” and “what does not work”.
Our Sustainability is not a question. We will always survive, we cannot not-survive. That Which We Are is not our body, and is always surviving. It is the essence of life, and life always Sustain in, as, and thorough us. So it is not a question of whether we will survive, but in what form will we survive.
All humans’ bodies are One Body. Our body that we imagine ourselves to be, is much larger than it appears. All bodies are part of One Single Body. Thus, our fight for survival should not be individual but a collective one.
Violence is not an intrinsic part of human being. Yet the illusion that violence is effective in solving problems, seems to be natural to human. Human beings are not violent by nature.
Anger is a pressure valve, releasing negative energy. But it is not the release of negative energy, rather the failure to release it that causes problems in the world. It is not the expression of anger, but how it is expressed, that causes our problems.
We can maturely release anger with no-violence. Anger in itself is not a negative emotion, but a healer. Anger releases negativity, helps to get rid of something we do not want.
Anger expressed with healing wonder, is the stuff of authenticity and truth. And authenticity and truth are great healers, and are the shortest path to harmony. Anger expressed through verbal or physical violence does not heal, rather it inflicts injury. Injury cannot heal injury, no matter how hard it tries.
Some people argue that violence on the TV and computer games does not affect human behaviours. Yet, these same people pay millions to have their businesses advertised, precisely because they do know how powerful images are, and how they affect human behaviour. Violence has been deeply injected into our culture. Violent images in the media encourage violence as an acceptable mean of resolving conflicts. And what you conceive, you receive.
An idea is con-Ceived, it is born in a culture. Then it is pre-Ceived, that is, we form a point of view about it. Finally, it is re-Ceived. That is, it is experienced again, in physical form this time.
The idea has changed from an inner thought to an outer physical reality. There were times when violence was not presented as a tool to solve problems. Today, violence is exposed even to our young children. This violent message has been con-Ceived, and now turns to a personal point of view.
It is now per-Ceived as a perception of it being an effective tool. This idea comes back, returns, in a physically form. It returns as a reality. What is con-Ceived, is per-Ceived, and thus re-Ceived. The result is the violence that we see every day.
End of part 2. Go to part 1. Part 3.
The New Revelations published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK, 2003.
13 Jan 2015
© Gil Dekel