by Gil Dekel. Part: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Page 69
Space is an invisible energy. All solid objects we know of are actually 2% solid matter and 98% space.
The universe expands, then contracts, and then all over again. Such is life – cyclical. Life moves in cycles. There is time for everything, and a time for every purpose.
Women live life by a rhythm.
We love sex, as sex is good gratification.
No guilt should be attached to the joy of sex.
The more you give yourself what makes you feel good, the more you can give it to another person. If you give yourself the pleasure of sex, power, wealth, glory – you have more of these to share with others. Feeling good is the soul’s shouting: ‘This is I Am’. We do not evolve by denying what’s good for us.
If we choose to be good, then we will not hurt or steal from others. Not-stealing is not a denial of something; rather it is a self-declaration of What We Are. If hurting other makes one ‘feel good’ then one did not evolve far. We have a tool to help us – awareness that tells us that we are all One. Hurting another will be hurting yourself. Irresponsible behaviours will vanish when we realize that we are all One.
The energy we emit creates matrix of energies combined, and this is what holds all physicals together.
Like-energy attracts like-energy, but then they turn the other way, otherwise they would melt into one another to become Oness forever. This is where we came from. Moving from there, we are constantly re-attracted to it; like sex – constantly being attracted. Then, at moments of unity – we are being repelled away again. So we are free of the union, and thus we can relatively experience it. Separation allows knowing the union.
God is both the everything-union experience, and the nothing-separation experience.
Some people fear that sex is inappropriate. Propriety is someone else’s idea about life. In all life’s actions, not just in sex, we should not fail to do a thing simply because it might violate someone else’s standards of propriety.
We should not hurt other people. The best thing to do is to always ask yourself: what would Love do now?
We should act with love to all, and do what our soul wants. We can reach agreements and compromises in life, yet we should never betray ourselves on the account of not ‘betraying’ another person. Never deny our wants and needs. Sometimes our own-good is the highest good of others as well.
We are not selfish by putting ourselves ‘first’; we are simply self-aware.
We tend to stop nourish our mind after we reach the age of 30… We tend to stop reading, stop learning, stop teaching. We null our mind with TVs, movies, and pulp books. We tend to forget the mind, and the spirit as well. So most people live life of body alone.
We are body, mind and soul.
We may decide that we had enough of something. Still, we need to honour it, appreciate it – as we should appreciate all that life is. All God’s creation is sacred. Yet, we can choose what we want of it.
No action, which causes hurt to another, leads to a rapid evolution.
We can do all we choose. Yet, doing something with no love is not an act of experiencing God. Sex without Love? – we can have it, if we want to. Yet, doing something without Love, is not experiencing God. Doing something with no love is disadvantageous to our evolution.
We are sexual being. We delight in joy, and we do not need to hide it.
Our children will tell us when it is the right time for them to start discuss about sex education. We need to watch and listen to their signals which will tell us when the time is right.

Values should be taught first. Facts can be taught after. (Artwork: 'The Stone Fire Leap' by © Gil Dekel)
There is no such thing as too-much sex, but there is a too-much need for sex. Enjoy everything, but need nothing.
We love being needed. Yet, the best thing is to give someone strength to live independently, and to not need us.
We use education as a tool to pass knowledge. Yet, education should be about Wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge applied.
We should not ignore knowledge, yet we should not favour it over wisdom. We teach our children what we think, instead of teaching them How to think. By giving knowledge, we tell our children What to think, we tell them to think the knowledge we give them…
Wisdom does not ascertain certain knowledge – rather it helps one find his truth.
We do need to pass knowledge, but also let children discover things. After all, knowledge is lost, whereas wisdom is never forgotten.
We should have more classes in critical thinking, problem solving and logic. We tend to educate the memory, and not the ability. We teach our children to remember facts and fictions, rather than let them discover and create their own truths. What we taught our children did not lead away from ignorance in the world. Rather, it led to ignorance.
History is true facts. Politics is one’s point of view. We do not teach our children facts, because we want them to think our points of view. We have deluded ourselves with excuses of past-events, which we call ‘history’.
Our world is in danger not because what we teach (it is ok to teach knowledge), but because what we do not teach in school; we do not teach that love is all there is.
We need to develop lessons with all opinions presented – ours, and that of our ‘foes’. Then we will not need to memorize it, but challenge the class. We need to tell the class that we brought them as much knowledge as we can, and now ask the class what wisdom comes from all this?
Schools are detached from any parents’ prejudices; therefore schools are the right place to teach values.
Values should be taught first. Facts can be taught after.
We teach children to read but we fail to teach them to stop arguing with their little brother.
Schools teach answers. It would be beneficial to ask question in school. What does it mean to be honest? Or fair? What does it mean that 2+2=4? What do you think?
A nation may act out of its own interests, but should not lie saying it acted for other reasons. Governments lie.
We elect them to lie to us.
Most people do what is best for them. Politics is a way for those in power to convince you that their self-interest is your own.
We should help people and provide them, but not on the account of robbing them the idea that they can provide for themselves.
In advanced societies, very few laws are necessary.
Laws should be based on our higher understanding and on our grander self-interest, not on what the most powerful people among us have as their own interests.
It could be that the laws against hemp, as oppose to tobacco, are based not on health reasons, but on power and economics. Laws are not always society-thought, but a reflection of where the power is.
End of Part 3. Go to Part: 1. 2. 4.
13 August 2014.
© Gil Dekel. Conversations with God, Book 2, by Neale Donald Walsch is published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK: 1999. CwG Website.
Page 69
Space is an invisible energy. All solid objects we know of are actually 2% solid matter and 98% space.
The universe expands, then contracts, and then all over again. Such is life – cyclical. Life moves in cycles. There is time for everything, and a time for every purpose.
Women live life by a rhythm.
We love sex, as sex is good gratification.
No guilt should be attached to the joy of sex.
The more you give yourself what makes you feel good, the more you can give it to another person. If you give yourself the pleasure of sex, power, wealth, glory – you have more of these to share with others. Feeling good is the soul’s shouting: ‘This is I Am’. We do not evolve by denying what’s good for us.
If we choose to be good, then we will not hurt or steal from others. Not-stealing is not a denial of something; rather it is a self-declaration of What We Are. If hurting other makes one ‘feel good’ then one did not evolve far. We have a tool to help us – awareness that tells us that we are all One. Hurting another will be hurting yourself. Irresponsible behaviours will vanish when we realize that we are all One.
The energy we emit creates matrix of energies combined, and this is what holds all physicals together.
Like-energy attracts like-energy, but then they turn the other way, otherwise they would melt into one another to become Oness forever. This is where we came from. Moving from there, we are constantly re-attracted to it; like sex – constantly being attracted. Then, at moments of unity – we are being repelled away again. So we are free of the union, and thus we can relatively experience it. Separation allows knowing the union.
God is both the everything-union experience, and the nothing-separation experience.
Some people fear that sex is inappropriate. Propriety is someone else’s idea about life. In all life’s actions, not just in sex, we should not fail to do a thing simply because it might violate someone else’s standards of propriety.
We should not hurt other people. The best thing to do is to always ask yourself: what would Love do now?
We should act with love to all, and do what our soul wants. We can reach agreements and compromises in life, yet we should never betray ourselves on the account of not ‘betraying’ another person. Never deny our wants and needs. Sometimes our own-good is the highest good of others as well.
We are not selfish by putting ourselves ‘first’; we are simply self-aware.
We tend to stop nourish our mind after we reach the age of 30… We tend to stop reading, stop learning, stop teaching. We null our mind with TVs, movies, and pulp books. We tend to forget the mind, and the spirit as well. So most people live life of body alone.
We are body, mind and soul.
We may decide that we had enough of something. Still, we need to honour it, appreciate it – as we should appreciate all that life is. All God’s creation is sacred. Yet, we can choose what we want of it.
No action, which causes hurt to another, leads to a rapid evolution.
We can do all we choose. Yet, doing something with no love is not an act of experiencing God. Sex without Love? – we can have it, if we want to. Yet, doing something without Love, is not experiencing God. Doing something with no love is disadvantageous to our evolution.
We are sexual being. We delight in joy, and we do not need to hide it.
Our children will tell us when it is the right time for them to start discuss about sex education. We need to watch and listen to their signals which will tell us when the time is right.
There is no such thing as too-much sex, but there is a too-much need for sex. Enjoy everything, but need nothing.
We love being needed. Yet, the best thing is to give someone strength to live independently, and to not need us.
We use education as a tool to pass knowledge. Yet, education should be about Wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge applied.
We should not ignore knowledge, yet we should not favour it over wisdom. We teach our children what we think, instead of teaching them How to think. By giving knowledge, we tell our children What to think, we tell them to think the knowledge we give them…
Wisdom does not ascertain certain knowledge – rather it helps one find his truth.
We do need to pass knowledge, but also let children discover things. After all, knowledge is lost, whereas wisdom is never forgotten.
We should have more classes in critical thinking, problem solving and logic. We tend to educate the memory, and not the ability. We teach our children to remember facts and fictions, rather than let them discover and create their own truths. What we taught our children did not lead away from ignorance in the world. Rather, it led to ignorance.
History is true facts. Politics is one’s point of view. We do not teach our children facts, because we want them to think our points of view. We have deluded ourselves with excuses of past-events, which we call ‘history’.
Our world is in danger not because what we teach (it is ok to teach knowledge), but because what we do not teach in school; we do not teach that love is all there is.
We need to develop lessons with all opinions presented – ours, and that of our ‘foes’. Then we will not need to memorize it, but challenge the class. We need to tell the class that we brought them as much knowledge as we can, and now ask the class what wisdom comes from all this?
Schools are detached from any parents’ prejudices; therefore schools are the right place to teach values.
Values should be taught first. Facts can be taught after.
We teach children to read but we fail to teach them to stop arguing with their little brother.
Schools teach answers. It would be beneficial to ask question in school. What does it mean to be honest? Or fair? What does it mean that 2+2=4? What do you think?
A nation may act out of its own interests, but should not lie saying it acted for other reasons. Governments lie.
We elect them to lie to us.
Most people do what is best for them. Politics is a way for those in power to convince you that their self-interest is your own.
We should help people and provide them, but not on the account of robbing them the idea that they can provide for themselves.
In advanced societies, very few laws are necessary.
Laws should be based on our higher understanding and on our grander self-interest, not on what the most powerful people among us have as their own interests.
It could be that the laws against hemp, as oppose to tobacco, are based not on health reasons, but on power and economics. Laws are not always society-thought, but a reflection of where the power is.