By Natalie Dekel. The following paintings were created using coloured-wax applied with heated iron onto glossy cards. This technique is called encaustic wax. The technique involves the application of coloured wax onto a heated iron, which causes the wax to melt. When...
By Paul Hartal. (לגרסה העברית Hebrew version) I began to experiment with Kabala inspired paintings in the 1990s. To my utter astonishment these experiments led to a totally unexpected and most exciting discovery of a transcendent communication. In the Hebrew alphabet...
Interview with Alan Steinfeld, author and founder of Gil Dekel: You are writing about the artist’s role in creating new realities. Do you think there is a unique or specific way that artists see or experience reality? Alan Steinfeld: The artist...
Poet Anne Stevenson interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Can we talk about your creative process of writing? [1] Anne Stevenson: For me, writing poems is not so much a process as a way of feeling my way in the dark. Lines come to mind; I work them over in my head and...