with Gil Dekel. This lesson continues page 4 (which is numbered ‘10’ in the Hebrew), from Perek 1 of the book. The Alter Rebbe has been at pains to explain that he does not mean that a ‘Beinoni’ was half sins and half ‘Mitzvots’. Beinoni is not a person who’s a...
with Gil Dekel. ואפילו העובר על איסור קל של דברי סופרים מקרי רשע כדאיתא בפ”ב דיבמות ובפ”ק דנדה “Even if a person transgresses only a very light rabbinical prohibition [one which was forbidden by the sages, but isn’t explicitly mentioned in the...
with Gil Dekel. ולהבין כל זה באר היטב וגם להבין מה שאמר איוב [ב”ב פ”א] רבש”ע בראת צדיקי’ בראת רשעי’ כו’ The Alter Rebbe goes on now to explain a few views on what Beinoni is and what he is not. Alter Rebbe says “we’re going to have...
with Gil Dekel. אך הענין כי הנה מצינו בגמרא ה’ חלוקות. צדיק וטוב לו צדיק ורע לו רשע וטוב לו רשע ורע לו ובינוני. “The matter is as follows. We find in the Gemara five categories [of human beings]. Tzadik ve Tov Lo, Tzadik ve Ra Lo, Rasha ve Tov Lo, Rasha ve Ra...
ליקוטי אמרים, ספר של בינונים, פרק א’ תניאבספ”ג דנדה משביעים אותו תהי צדיק ואל תהי רשעIn this first ‘Perek’ (chapter) of the Tanya book, we are being referred to the end of the third chapter of the tract page from a different book – the Talmud tract...
With Gil Dekel. ספר ליקוטי אמרים חלק ראשון הנקרא בשם ספר של בינונים We start with the title page of the Tanya book, which is known by the name the ‘book of Beinonim’, or book of the average person, the intermediate, ‘Sefer Shel Beinonim’; in Hebrew: ספר...
By Paul Hartal. (לגרסה העברית Hebrew version) I began to experiment with Kabala inspired paintings in the 1990s. To my utter astonishment these experiments led to a totally unexpected and most exciting discovery of a transcendent communication. In the Hebrew alphabet...