Debbie Wiltshire interviewed by Natalie Dekel. Natalie Dekel: what is this change that we are talking about? Debbie Wiltshire: This change, for me, is a process of waking up to and acknowledging our true selves. I have come to understand that I have been sleepwalking...
by Gil Dekel (Reiki Master/Teacher and PhD in Art, Design and Media). The purpose of this article is to analyse the difficulties in formulating coherent arguments about the benefits of Reiki. Whilst scientific research has undoubtedly brought progress to the human...
Part 5 of 5. Read Part 1… Read previous part, 4… by Paul Hartal. Chapter 5: A Magical Land of Infinite Worlds A gentle soul and highly poetic mathematician, Georg Cantor (1845-1918), upset thoroughly the applecart of arithmetic with his Set Theory of Infinity....
Part 4 of 5. Read the previous part… by Paul Hartal. Chapter 4: Unverifiable Theories Although Einstein had made major contributions to the development of quantum theory, in his eyes the new branch of physics was incomplete. He could not accept the idea that on the...
Part 3 of 5. Read the previous part… by Paul Hartal. Chapter 3: A Leap of Imagination Einstein’s theories rely on innovative mathematical models of space. For more than two millennia the magnificent geometrical axioms of Euclid of Alexandria were regarded as...
Part 2 of 5. Read the previous part… by Paul Hartal. Chapter 2: Zero is something The mysterious irrationality of the nullity: zero equaling plenty– arising from the bewildering mathematical complex of the concise and elegantly wrapped Euler Identity—had...
by Paul Hartal. Introduction Mathematics is a model of exact reasoning, the most precise branch of human knowledge. Using logic as its main instrument, mathematics probes the numerical and spatial relations of axiomatic systems by means of strict rules and careful...
By Paul Hartal. (לגרסה העברית Hebrew version) I began to experiment with Kabala inspired paintings in the 1990s. To my utter astonishment these experiments led to a totally unexpected and most exciting discovery of a transcendent communication. In the Hebrew alphabet...
Interview with Alan Steinfeld, author and founder of Gil Dekel: You are writing about the artist’s role in creating new realities. Do you think there is a unique or specific way that artists see or experience reality? Alan Steinfeld: The artist...
Installation artist David Johnson interviewed by Gil Dekel. Gil Dekel: Your work has undergone an interesting evolution over the years. [1] David Johnson: When I was young I used to paint and draw and make mono-prints. I studied architecture originally, but gave...