Shalshelet HaKabbalah – Gedaliah ibn Yahya

Shalshelet HaKabbalah – Gedaliah ibn Yahya

PDF file size about 180 MB – may take a few minutes to load… Gedaliah ibn Yahya ben Joseph (גדליה אבן יחייא בן יוסף), born in Imola, Italy, 1515 or 1526, was a Talmudist and Biblical chronologist. He studied in the Yeshiva at Ferrara under Jacob Finzi and...
King David Dynasty: the Charlap family ascension.

King David Dynasty: the Charlap family ascension.

The ancestry lineage from King David down to the Exilarchs, Ibn Yahya (בן חיים) family, and Charlap (חרל”פ) family. — David, 2nd king of lsrael and Judah. b. ca 1040 B.C.E. Reigned ca 1004-968 {or 970, the year he died} B.C.E. {Reigned over the United Kingdom of Israel. Buried at King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, Jerusalem, Israel. דוד המלך. דָּוִד בֶּן יִשַׁי}.